
Friday, April 07, 2006 

Folks, I've just did some research on how teens are being influenced by Satan. Here's a disgusting link of a Satanic cult for teens: (Beware: If you have trauma from anything scary or sickening or just plain wrong, please don't check out this link.)


These is a showing of how the internet is used by Satan and his followers in the most OBVIOUS way!

Here's some quotes from the first link (and my attempt to counter it):
1. "Most of what you have probably heard about him from non-Satanic sources are from his enemies and people who hate him for no real reason, other than this is what they were taught to believe." Other than the facts that he's the prince of darkness, suffering, and pain, destroyer of all that good, and the one who tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God, I have no reasons to hate this demon. (To people who don't know about sarcasm, you just found it.) Oh, those reasons I got from the saints and the Bible. Yes, they're enemies of the Devil. That's because the Devil couldn't defeat them into worshiping him and was instead defeated in turn by their total faith in God.

2. "If you are in trouble or are having big problems, Satan and his Demons will help you." In case, you didn't read my article about magic, I wrote that God only allowed trouble or big problems to strengthen our faith in Him. Anything that removes us from those trials are considered to be messing around with God's will.

3. "Demons work with us through power meditations so we can access our own power and handle things for ourselves, using our minds." One note: the "power" of the demons are only given by God. So if He ever has the whim of doing so, all of the devils' powers will be nothing but dust and mere folly.

4. "We can have money, love, a good job. People who are mean to us get punished." Hey Mr. Satanic writer, if I have money, love, and a good job, will you ensure that I will have a happy life? I mean, gosh, there are so many people that fit your description but are they all happy? As quoted from Father Oscar Lukefahr, there are many rich people (with material love in their lives) that resort to pills and drugs in order to be happy. At the same time,some people that are in poorer situations seems to radiate with happiness from their faith and understanding of God. Also, define "mean". Are my parents mean to me when they scold at me about low grades? Even when deep down, I know that they're only doing so for mine own good sake? Here's an interesting scenario: two satanists walks into a bar. One is "mean" to the other. The second one calls on Satan to punish the first one. After the punishment, the first one calls on Satan again to deal with the second one, and the cycle continues. Lesson: revenge will only start a cycle of more revenge between the opposing parties, killing both.

5. "Many [Christians] have hurt and abused children because this is what their religion teaches." Whoa, what stuff are YOU drinking? Please give me specific examples, not generalizations. Also, please cite where you can back your statement that Christianity/Catholicism is in favor of "abusing" children? Also, please remember that it is said in the Bible that in order for us to enter heaven, we must have the innocence of children, placing them as symbols of purity. So why would we abuse them?

6. "To learn about Satan and his Demons, the first thing you can do is to read what is on this website. If you are living with Christians, you may not want to have any papers or books that they could find that could get you into trouble, so it may be safer to just read off the internet." Once again, refer to my previous posts about the media and its harmful influences.

7. "Don't let other people pressure you or do something just because other people do it or a bunch of people do it." So I don't have to listen to you then? I have to congratulate this guy. He rants about how good it is to be a Satanist and then slams himself by saying," Oh, by the way, don't let people pressurize you, even though that's what I am really doing. "

8. "Those of us who are with Satan are masters and not slaves." Masters of what? A weird website trying to recruit kids into something they don't know about? If they are really masters, then why are demons under an oath of obedience whenever they are commanded in the name of the Lord?

That is all for now. I hope that you have found this article enjoyable. As Catholics/Christians, we must not forget our main duty: to fight against the Devil and his minions in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. God bless us all.

Cartoon: http://www.catholic.org/ae/cartoons.php?cartoon=17

Props to: Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Virgin Mary, Arthur, Br. Andrew, Aaron C., and my viewers.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006 

Hey viewers! Due to a template malfunction, no comments were allowed to be written. However, this is no longer a problem! Please feel free to post comments once again! God bless you all!


Monday, April 03, 2006 

Hello, viewers. I am deeply sorry for not posting up anything for a while. I was busy in my school life and whenever I tried to write something for this blog, I get writer's block. This post will reflect upon what the current generation has degraded into thanks to the media and other worldly (and possibly satanic) influences.

For those who happen to live in New York City, you have probably heard about the recent exposure of sexual relationships among some of the students of Stuyvesant High School, the school that I attend. I have only learned of this tonight, having to be warned by my parents to be careful of such people and their actions. Not only do they commit underage sexual actions but also bisexual events. The first time I heard about this once again alerted me that Satan is still at large and expanding his power onto the youth. This alert made me realized that another potent weapon is used to manipulate the minds of many: sex. Some of you might comment on how slow did I finally came to this conclusion but please bear in mind that I have only learned about this impersonally in private school and assuming that adults were mainly the ones who would do such things.

Come to think of it, Satan using sex to lure people and to attack the church is nothing new. However, thanks to the media's continuous broadcasting, I feel that it is safe to say that never have such a concept advanced to such levels.

Many movies and shows nowadays include sexual themes. Every year, there are numerous productions in which sex is often portrayed as the highest climax between a man and a woman. Young viewers might see that theme as normal and okay, comparing movies with reality. This affects the very morals of theirs, making them accept works of the Devil as inspirations to their lives. The introduction of the internet only made the situation worse. Websites of pornography and sexual themes became hot searches in engines. Some of these viewers are speculated to be teenagers after becoming exposed about sex in wrong ways. Thus, their morals are crushed, bringing them to believe that sex, as long as it is agreed upon, is just a mere pasttime.

I am not denouncing sex but rather how Satan uses people to remove the holiness of that sacred ritual. "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" (Genesis 2:23-24). Sex is something that is to be honored between a couple: the unification of flesh and the process to bring new life onto this planet.

Knowing this fact only tells me more about the abominations that Satan is causing and that we must not give in and let the media and mundane temptations govern our lives. I, personally, am strengthened to carry on God's will and strive for the goal that one day, people will realize their wrongdoings and that the world will bring about a better future for coming generations. That is all for now!

This cartoon is from : http://www.catholic.org/ae/cartoons.php?cartoon=17
Mad props to: Jesus, The Virgin Mary, St. Michael, Arthur, Br. Andrew, Aaron C., and Jisan (a friend of mine).

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